Publications and Preprints

Published works (along with arXiv* links)

1) A Ghosh, J Kaur, and M Bandyopadhyay, Energetics of the dissipative quantum oscillator, Physica A (2024)  [arXiv].

2) A Sinha, A Ghosh, and B Bagchi, Dynamical symmetries of the anisotropic oscillator, Physica Scripta 98, 095253 (2023)  [arXiv].

3) J Kaur, A Ghosh, and M Bandyopadhyay, Partition of kinetic energy and magnetic moment in dissipative diamagnetism, Physica A 625, 128993 (2023)  [arXiv].

4) A Ghosh and M Bandyopadhyay, Quantum dissipation and the virial theorem, Physica A 625, 128999 (2023)  [arXiv].

5) A Ghosh, Statistical ensembles and logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy, Class. Quant. Grav. 40, 155013 (2023)  [arXiv].

6) A Ghosh, Generalised energy equipartition in electrical circuits, Pramana - J Phys. 97, 82 (2023)  [arXiv].

7)  A Ghosh, Generalized virial theorem for contact Hamiltonian systems, J. Phys. A 56, 235205 (2023)  [arXiv].

8) A Ghosh, Hamilton-Jacobi approach to thermodynamic transformations, Pramana - J Phys. 97, 49 (2023)  [arXiv].

9) A Ghosh and C Bhamidipati, Contact and metric structures in black hole chemistry, Front. Phys. 11, 1132712 (2023)  [arXiv].

10) A Ghosh, S Mukherji, and C Bhamidipati, Novel logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy, Class. Quant. Grav. 39, 225011 (2022)  [arXiv].

11) A Ghosh, S Mukherji, and C Bhamidipati, Logarithmic corrections to the entropy function of black holes in the open ensemble, Nucl. Phys. B 982, 115902 (2022)  [arXiv].

12) J Kaur, A Ghosh, and M Bandyopadhyay, Quantum counterpart of energy equipartition theorem for fermionic systems, J. Stat. Mech. 2022, 053105 (2022)  [arXiv].

13) J Kaur, A Ghosh, and M Bandyopadhyay, Partition of free energy for a Brownian quantum oscillator: Effect of dissipation and magnetic field, Physica A 599, 127466 (2022)  [arXiv].

14)  J Kaur, A Ghosh, and M Bandyopadhyay, Quantum counterpart of energy equipartition theorem for a dissipative charged magneto-oscillator: Effect of dissipation, memory, and magnetic field, Phys. Rev. E 104, 064112 (2021)  [arXiv].

15) A Ghosh, M Bandyopadhyay, and C Bhamidipati, Contact geometry and quantum thermodynamics of nanoscale steady states, Physica A 585, 126402 (2021)  [arXiv].

16) A Singh, A Ghosh, and C Bhamidipati, Thermodynamic curvature of AdS black holes with dark energy, Front. Phys. 9, 631471 (2021)  [arXiv].

17) S Mahish, A Ghosh, and C Bhamidipati, Thermodynamic curvature of the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole and Bose condensation, Phys. Lett. B 811, 135958 (2020)  [arXiv].

18) A Ghosh and C Bhamidipati, Thermodynamic geometry and interacting microstructures of BTZ black holes, Phys. Rev. D 101, 106007 (2020)  [arXiv].

19) A Ghosh and C Bhamidipati, Thermodynamic geometry for charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in AdS spacetimes, Phys. Rev. D 101, 046005 (2020)  [arXiv].

20) A Ghosh and C Bhamidipati, Contact geometry and thermodynamics of black holes in AdS spacetimes, Phys. Rev. D 100, 126020 (2019)  [arXiv].

21) A Ghosh and C Bhamidipati, Action-angle variables for the purely nonlinear oscillator, Int. J Non-Linear. Mech. 116, 167 (2019)  [arXiv].

22) A Ghose-Choudhury, A Ghosh, P Guha, and A Pandey, On purely nonlinear oscillators generalizing an isotonic potential, Int. J Non-Linear. Mech. 106, 55 (2018)  [arXiv].


1) A Ghosh and S Dattagupta, Weak-coupling limits of the quantum Langevin equation for an oscillator, arXiv:2404.01285.

2B Bagchi,  A Ghosh,  and M  Znojil,  Nonstandard Lagrangians and branched Hamiltonians: A brief review,  arXiv:2403.18801.

3) A Sinha, A Ghosh, and B Bagchi, Exceptional points and ground-state entanglement spectrum for a fermionic extension of the Swanson oscillator, arXiv:2401.17189.

4)  A Sinha and A Ghosh, Jacobi last multiplier and two-dimensional superintegrable oscillators, arXiv:2306.08837.

5) A Ghosh, M Bandyopadhyay, S Dattagupta, and S Gupta, Quantum Brownian Motion: A Review, arXiv:2306.02665.

6) A Sinha and A Ghosh, Pseudomechanics of supersymmetric oscillators, arXiv:2304.04747.

7) A Ghosh, C Bhamidipati, and S Mukherji, Logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy and holography, arXiv:2207.02820.

*Note: Some typos and minor errors appearing in my papers often get corrected later in their arXiv versions.